IRS Transcript Update

Starting September 23, 2018, the IRS will update the current format of individual tax transcript products (Tax Return, Wage and Income, and Record of Account Transcripts) to better protect taxpayer data.

Please note this update does not impact business transcript products.

What information will be redacted?

All personal information, such as:

  • Name of a person
  • Name of a business
  • Social Security numbers (SSN)
  • Employer Identification numbers (EIN
  • Account numbers
  • Addresses
  • Phone numbers

What information will be displayed on transcripts?

  • Last 4 digits of any SSN listed on the transcript: XXX-XX-1234
  • Last 4 digits of any EIN listed on the transcript:  XX-XXX1234
  • Last 4 digits of any account or telephone number
  • First 4 characters of the last name for any individual
  • First 4 characters of a business name
  • First 6 characters of the street address, including spaces
  • All money amounts, including balance due, interest and penalties

What will a redacted transcript look like?

Will the transcript ordering or retrieval processes with Tax Guard change?

  • No. There will be no updates to the way you currently order and retrieve your transcripts. The only updates will be the redacted data changes on the transcripts.